I personally do not think that Singapore should legalise organ trading as organ trading will only favour the rich. Of course you will want to earn a lot of money when selling your organ.(all because of human's greed) What about the poor. Do they just suffer and die? If that is the case, I must say that the government has nurtured a bunch of cold-blooded citizens. Also, legalising organ trade might not necessarily meet the demand for organs.
Well the government has came up with some solutions or new measures. The government shall lift the age limit on cadaveric (deceased people) donors , so that there will be more organs available. Of course these organs are good and healthy ones. Recipients are able to swop their donors to be able to find a better match. This allows a lower risk of having implications. There will also be increased penalties for organ trading. The donors will also now receive post-operation care.
The debate became heated over the issue of allowing living kidney donors to receive compensation. Most people are afraid that possible abuses would arise. One example would be that people would sell their organs for profit and this may become a back door for organ trading. Dr Lim Wee Kiat ( Sembawang GRC ) also raised concerns about the payment factor. It is hard to determine a reasonable price.
As you can see, there are many problems to this simple question . I must say that the government has been very effective in discussing this matter. They are able to come up with many solutions to this problem very quickly. Good Job!!!
Have you read this article? I would like to read your comments on it.
Mr. B