Monday, March 2, 2009

Graphic novel vs Novel

Every student has to study the subject Literature when they are in Secondary 1. At that point of time,they are asked to read novels and so on. There are two types of novels. A normal novel and a Graphic Novel.
Normal novels might be a dread to some or even all students. They are usually very very thick and some times long-winded. These books might also have very small words and thus makes it even less appealing to the audience. Normal novels may contain very little or even no picture. 'How boring!' some people might say.
The contender,graphic novel is more popular with the public. With a lot of pictures and very little or no words, it is able to attract the attention of people for a long time. Who gets bored reading them?
Both novels are created because the writer wants to tell the public something. A message, a warning, a moral value?? Normal novels convey the message through words. Lots of them. Some of these words might be complicated and it is up to the reader to unscramble them to know the meaning. This sometimes may cause confusion as people may interpret the words differently. I find that reading novels can be quite interesting as we can be like detectives who unscramble words instead of mysteries.
Graphic novels use pictures to express meanings. They are often action packed and may be funny.For an example, when a person falls he might cry in pain until the windows of people all around the world shatter into pieces.I really enjoy reading them.
To me the winner of this battle is(drum rolls)the GRAPHIC NOVEL!!

1 comment:

  1. I hope you take part in our book circle for The's 100% graphic!
