Sunday, March 29, 2009

Legalise Organ Trading??

If you have been following the papers recently, you would have known that there has been a heated debate over whether legalising the organ trade would benefit Singapore. This all started when retail magnate Tung Wee Sung was jailed for attempting to buy an organ from an Indonesian man.

I personally do not think that Singapore should legalise organ trading as organ trading will only favour the rich. Of course you will want to earn a lot of money when selling your organ.(all because of human's greed) What about the poor. Do they just suffer and die? If that is the case, I must say that the government has nurtured a bunch of cold-blooded citizens. Also, legalising organ trade might not necessarily meet the demand for organs.

Well the government has came up with some solutions or new measures. The government shall lift the age limit on cadaveric (deceased people) donors , so that there will be more organs available. Of course these organs are good and healthy ones. Recipients are able to swop their donors to be able to find a better match. This allows a lower risk of having implications. There will also be increased penalties for organ trading. The donors will also now receive post-operation care.

The debate became heated over the issue of allowing living kidney donors to receive compensation. Most people are afraid that possible abuses would arise. One example would be that people would sell their organs for profit and this may become a back door for organ trading. Dr Lim Wee Kiat ( Sembawang GRC ) also raised concerns about the payment factor. It is hard to determine a reasonable price.

As you can see, there are many problems to this simple question . I must say that the government has been very effective in discussing this matter. They are able to come up with many solutions to this problem very quickly. Good Job!!!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Blogging? How do I feel about it.

When I was in Primary School, teachers often told us not to blog. Why?? Firstly, they think that blogging is a waste of time. Sitting in front of the computer and punching in words when they should be studying or revising for examinations. Teachers also think that blogging is dangerous as everyone can view what you write. They also fear that students will scold them using this method. Of course no teacher wants to be known as a 'bady'

Well leaving Primary School and entering my next phase of life, Secondary School, teachers want us to blog. What a complete change. To my new batch of teachers, blogging is a way of practicing our language. Finally , I get teachers who do not only see the bad sides of blogging. I was taken by surprise when asked to blog.

This activity gives us a chance to write and improve our usage of language. I personally find blogging an interesting process as I get to tell people about my daily life. People can also comment on your posts and this will seem like a conversation.
Well I love my blog because of a few reasons. Firstly, I can express myself . Secondly, it is a good form of relaxation. Anytime when you are bored, you can blog. Blog about anything under the sun. Blogging is also my homework. Instead of writing on paper(boring at times), this takes place on a computer which makes it more interesting.

My blog is not perfect and thus I do not like posts without comments as I am really eager to find out what people think about my blog. So for those who have read my blog posts, PLEASE RESPOND.

I think that this whole blogging process can be improved by making the comment section appear automatically so that I will be able to improve my blogging skills.

I am asked to include a link to post title: my reading habits)which allows us to keep a record of the books that you are reading or have read................I find that this a very good tool as we are able to take note of our own reading habits and teachers are able to check on their students.
Overall, blogging is great fun!!!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Graphic novel vs Novel

Every student has to study the subject Literature when they are in Secondary 1. At that point of time,they are asked to read novels and so on. There are two types of novels. A normal novel and a Graphic Novel.
Normal novels might be a dread to some or even all students. They are usually very very thick and some times long-winded. These books might also have very small words and thus makes it even less appealing to the audience. Normal novels may contain very little or even no picture. 'How boring!' some people might say.
The contender,graphic novel is more popular with the public. With a lot of pictures and very little or no words, it is able to attract the attention of people for a long time. Who gets bored reading them?
Both novels are created because the writer wants to tell the public something. A message, a warning, a moral value?? Normal novels convey the message through words. Lots of them. Some of these words might be complicated and it is up to the reader to unscramble them to know the meaning. This sometimes may cause confusion as people may interpret the words differently. I find that reading novels can be quite interesting as we can be like detectives who unscramble words instead of mysteries.
Graphic novels use pictures to express meanings. They are often action packed and may be funny.For an example, when a person falls he might cry in pain until the windows of people all around the world shatter into pieces.I really enjoy reading them.
To me the winner of this battle is(drum rolls)the GRAPHIC NOVEL!!